A quantum jump is the abrupt transition of a quantum system (atom, molecule, atomic nucleus) from one quantum state to another, from one energy level to another. When the system absorbs energy, there is a transition to a higher energy level (excitation); when the system loses energy, there is a transition to a lower energy level.
The concept was introduced by Niels Bohr, in his 1913 Bohr model.
A quantum jump is a phenomenon that is peculiar to quantum systems and distinguishes them from classical systems, where any transitions are performed gradually. In quantum mechanics, such jumps are associated with the non-unitary evolution of a quantum-mechanical system during measurement.
A quantum jump can be accompanied by the emission or absorption of photons; energy transfer during a quantum jump can also occur by non-radiative resonant energy transfer or in collisions with other particles.
In modern physics, the concept of a quantum jump is rarely used; as a rule scientists speak of transitions between quantum states or energy levels. Wikipedia
The Beginner’s Guide to Quantum Jumping I
A quantum jump is a discontinuous leap in awareness, or a shift in consciousness, that precipitates a radical change in reality. The culmination of a quantum jump can feel like a timeline shift, as it often leads to a completely new perspective of reality and the self.
Anyone can experience a quantum jump. The only rule— you must decide you are ready. By: Gabi Kovalenko
The Beginner’s Guide to Quantum Jumping II
Embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of quantum jumping as we unveil the secrets behind this powerful technique for tapping into infinite possibilities. In this comprehensive beginner's guide, we delve into the fascinating world of quantum physics and consciousness exploration, offering practical insights and guidance for those seeking to harness its transformative potential.
Join us as we demystify the concept of quantum jumping and explore how it enables individuals to shift between parallel realities, manifest desires, and unlock their highest potential. Whether you're new to the concept or seeking to deepen your understanding, this video provides a roadmap for navigating the intricacies of quantum jumping with confidence and clarity. By: Etherune